August 12th, 2019 – The Beach

It’s 8:52 pm. I’m sitting on the couch with my laptop while the kids are watching Super Wings on my iPad. We are in the condo in Florida. We drove down last Saturday, August 10th. We started down at 8:30 am in the morning, and I remembered I left my keys to the condo shortly […]

August 9th, 2019 – NIST and Eye Doctor

It’s 11:47 am. This morning I took Alexandra to her 3rd visit to the eye doctor. We made some progress! She let the light shine in her eyes. Next time we’ll do that again and get some eye drops to put in her eyes before the 5th visit. OMG.   Two days ago I took […]

August 6th, 2019 – Hot Water

It’s 9:10 am. Yesterday I worked on getting an ARO white paper out the door, as well as organizing some thoughts for the meeting with Dennis Gilmore today about alumni matters. It seems Duke chemistry does not have any sort of Alumni Network, so making one should be a priority.   Yesterday in the afternoon […]