August 5th, 2019 – Bar

It’s 9:54 am.  I dropped the kids off at Notasium this morning.  It was kind of stressful getting them out of the house because they wanted to play with their toys, and I didn’t want them to make a mess before Ana, our cleaning lady, came. It made me think about what it will be […]

August 3rd, 2019 – Picnic

It’s 2pm, just put the kids to nap. Missed a couple days so have to catch up on the blog. Thursday I worked on a white paper briefly for the army research organization in the morning, then did a bunch of other random work things.  Met with Kathy Franz in the afternoon to talk about […]

August 1st, 2019 – Bonding

The last month of summer.  The last couple day’s I’ve been working on my class, mostly on a lecture for Bonding.  I woke up around 4 am in the morning today and just decided to work on it for an hour or so before going back to bed.  Its’ pretty much in the can, I’m […]