July 15th, 2019 – The Museum, Blueberries, and the Multiverse

It’s 8:28 am.  I’m at work a bit early today because I will be picking up Alexandra, Harvey and Yingying from Notasium at 11:30 am.


Yesterday I ended up taking too much time to put together the blog, mostly on dealing with new software and converting files. I feel it took too much time away from playing with the kids in the early morning and afternoon. I will try to avoid that in the future.


After breakfast yesterday Keira, Alexandra, Harvey and I headed over to the museum. We played indoors for a little bit in this dark area where you can interact with projected images before heading outside.  We didn’t have the strollers, so I had to coax Harvey along.  We stopped by the sandbox where he got some sand in his sandals, which I helped him remove. Then we moved onto the woods area where he pointed at the big tree sculptures and tried to move them with a grunting sound. Heading over to the creek, Alexandra came up and hugged me from behind when I was crouching. She is so sweet.

Harvey stood in the creek a long time. At first he went in with his crocs and then he wanted them off. Alexandra was not so into the water, she went in for a little bit then headed somewhere else with Keira.  I sat on a rock and watched Harvey splash around in the water with his Thomas the train toy.  He watched the other kids run around in the water. This one kid kept jumping off a mini ledge and make a big splash right next to Harvey.  This annoyed me, but I figured what do you expect to happen? 

Finally Harvey got over the stream and we headed over to the toddler play zone in the woods, where Alexandra and Keira were in this fort structures. The kids liked to go around in circles in the fort. Harvey fell down off of a step and got dirt all over his face, which made him sad for a bit but he got over it.  They also went down the slide and up and down this hill a bunch.  Alexandra landed on her butt a couple times trying to go down the hill. 

Once the clock hit 11 am, we headed over to Harris Teeter to pick up some food for the week.  We ended up spending $160 on food.  I got my salad supplies (salad mix, tomatoes, cheese, olive oil, and vinegar). We got a bunch of different fruits and vegetables, as well as a couple salmon steaks, three beef steaks, a couple gallons of milk.  We got a bit more food than usual since Yingying is here.

Lunch was dumplings, which Yingying was preparing as we got home.  I worked on my blog after lunch while the kids played and watched tv before their nap.  Keira and I took a swim in the afternoon and I played Guns of Boom on my Ipad. Dinner was great, salmon, rice, seaweed, broccoli, Jicama, and a bone broth soup with some root in the soup, maybe Daikon. 

After dinner we headed over to the Blueberry farm to pick 5 pounds of blueberries.  The picking was more sparse than the last two times we were there, but we still got 5 pounds in 45 minutes.  Yingying watched the kids while they ate a bunch of blueberries from the bush. 

We got home around 8:30 and the kids went straight to bath with Keira while I scarfed down some blueberries and ice cream. The Kids watched a couple of Super Wings episodes before we took them upstairs and read them a few stories.  Keira read three stories to Alexandra while I looked at the big story book with Harvey, going over the story of animal motions, and Pete’s a pizza.

I ended up playing some more Guns of Boom after they went to bed, probably too much.  Then I did my stretching routine and went to read the “Fabric of Reality” by David Deutsch. I read a passage in the book that made me realize that, while things happen a certain way in our Universe, all possible histories and all possible futures are enacted in the multiverse. Every decision that we make creates a fork, and while we live in the universe in which we made the decision one way, there exists and alternative universe in which the decision was made another way. Or at least that is quantum theory applied to our decision making.  It makes me think of the Multiverse as this giant simulator, with our universe just one version of that simulation.  I’m still trying to wrap my head around the concept of time he presented, which seemed to indicate the possible futures already existed.  I’m planning to try to summarize the book in another series of posts. I tried to explain this Multiverse theory to Keira, but she thought it was fantasy.

It’s 8:46 am.

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