August 3rd, 2019 – Picnic

It’s 2pm, just put the kids to nap. Missed a couple days so have to catch up on the blog.

Thursday I worked on a white paper briefly for the army research organization in the morning, then did a bunch of other random work things.  Met with Kathy Franz in the afternoon to talk about Alumni matters. Had the rabbit dissection as well.  Looks like the implants are not getting rejected.  Interestingly, the cartilage is growing over some of the implants. That will hopefully not happy in the goats, it’s just because the rabbits are immature.

Thursday night we went to the Nasher art museum because it’s free Thursday nights.  They had an interesting exhibit in which there was projected onomatopoeia words on the walls, making you feel like you’re in a tv. It was a good exhibit for the kids to run around in. 

Friday I wrapped up my bonding lecture finally, took forever.  Still need to work on the demos and activities for it.  Worked out in the afternoon, got a haircut, and went home. We ate some chicken, rice, broccoli and squash.  Jackfruit for dessert. Alexandra didn’t want to eat much, she went to sit on the mattress in the living room and lied down. So I took the food over there so she could eat it. It was like feeding a little queen.  Grandma was reading a book and Harvey joined as well.  I would give him meat and after he ate it he yelled, “more meat!”

We took them to the playground and they had a good time kicking me and keira’s butts on the swings.  They love that game.

After taking them to bath I had to run to the airport to pickup Jesse. There was lightning so he was delayed getting off the plane, and I waited in a wendy’s parking lot.  We drove to an arcade bar and played Adam’s Family pinball and a bunch of other arcade games before heading home.

Today we went over to Duke garden for a picnic.  We walked all over the garden, Harvey leading the way a lot of the time. Harvey wanted to stop and watch this liquid nitrogen truck unload at the medical school for like five minute, and didn’t want to stop. After seeing the plants in the terrace area, we headed to the tobacco barn.  Mun ho’s family joined us, surprise to Jesse!  Mun ho is a visiting professor in my lab now, but we new each other from when he worked in Younan Xia’s lab.  Jesse was pretty shocked to see him, not sure he remembered who he was.  It was a great picknick with mac and cheese, spaghetti, chicken, salad, fruit, and Korean foods. Yum.  I enjoy sitting on that bench next to the tobacco barn in the garden chilling out, even though it was a bit hot and I got sweaty.  The kids enjoy running around that garden, visiting the chickens, and playing with the water in the drinking fountain. Nice picnic.  

This Gallery shows photos at the museum.

Photos from the playground, arcade, and garden.

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