August 9th, 2019 – NIST and Eye Doctor

It’s 11:47 am. This morning I took Alexandra to her 3rd visit to the eye doctor. We made some progress! She let the light shine in her eyes. Next time we’ll do that again and get some eye drops to put in her eyes before the 5th visit. OMG.


Two days ago I took a trip to DC to visit NIST. I woke up at 4:15 am before my alarm and got to the airport around 5:20, 10 min before boarding.  There was a big line at security, but not in the TSA pre! So I could sail through. I took the subway and a shuttle to NIST, working on a grant on the way on my computer. At NIST I met with many people, including a bunch of postdocs. It seems the environment there is fun.  A bunch of scientists working on a bunch of interesting problems. Even the food in the cafeteria was pretty good. They have an apple tree there that is descended from the one that dropped the apple on Newton’s head. I took a bunch of pictures of the Scanning tunneling microscope and surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy setups I want to use there. I was visiting in advance of sending a student to do some experiments.


Unfortunately, my flight was delayed from 8:50 to 1 am. On the plus side, that gave Tom Moffat and I more time to chat over sushi, and I just watched some Netflix. Got back to the house around 3 am and got ~4 hrs sleep.


Yesterday I was tired. But I managed to do some work on putting together data to supplement our hydrogel patent application, as well as do a legs work out.  I took it pretty easy in the workout, doing fewer reps than usual. At home, we went down to get ice cream from the food trucks, and I mowed the lawn while Keira gave the kids their bath.  Working out gave me a lot of energy! Haha. Looking forward to driving to Florida tomorrow.

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