August 16th, 2019 – Crabs

After my blog on the 14th, Keira and I went out to try to catch some crabs. I told her I could easily catch ten crabs. We could easily see the crabs with our iphone flash lights, chase them down, and catch them in a net we found in the condo. It was fun to chase the crabs, they will go back and forth trying to avoid you. And they are pretty fast. After we got a bucket full, we let most of them go, but kept a couple to show the kids.


Yesterday we went to Washington oaks in the morning. We got quite hot walking around the garden, and pretty quickly went to the playground so the kids could have some fun. It rained in the afternoon and evening, so we went to eat ice cream. We also took a short walk on the boardwalk near the condo.


Today we went to the condo’s playground in the morning, then caught the boat to Fort Matanzas. There was a colony of small crabs on the island.  We came back and had some spaghetti for lunch. The kids went to take a nap after watching some Pocoyo, and I went outside to boogie board. I also did some Nanoscale work, finished my queue of papers. Decided to get the blog down so I could relax in the evening. We’re heading back to Durham tomorrow.

One thought on “August 16th, 2019 – Crabs

  1. Nice pic’s and video Ben. I imagine NC temps will be welcome. Char and I went for long walk after your call Saturday. Yesterday I sailed on Capri 25. Got to drive, taking 2nd place in windy conditions. Got a haircut this morning. Getting ready to head out to Maine on Saturday.

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