August 26th, 2019 – First day of school!

Its 9:42 am. I’ve taken a break from writing blog posts to focus more on getting some grant writing done in the mornings, but I wanted to write down Harvey and Alexandra’s first day of school experience.


Keira and I got up around 6:45 am, and I was getting stuff for the kids and me ready until 7:30 am or so when Yingying went up stairs to get them. I quickly followed and grabbed Harvey and brought him down. I changed his diaper and put on the new pull ups. He had strawberries and melon for breakfast, I had my usual bowl of oats, sunflower seeds, blueberries, cacao, and bananas. Alexandra had a strawberry, some melon, and bread with butter and jam. They were done with breakfast around 8:10 or so, and I was done getting ready at 8:15. Alexandra wanted to put on her new car shoes with lights, but they don’t have a lift so she couldn’t wear those. She was very upset.


I got all the stuff in the car, filling up the passenger seat in the front. Then we drove to Miss Mollies. We walked down the sidewalk to school around 8:52 with the kids carrying their lunchboxes and wearing their backpacks. At the door, Julian and his mom Kate were also waiting to get in. After Michell and Pastor David Brooks let us in, the kids put their lunch boxes in the bin, I took Alexandra then Harvey to the bathroom, and I was out of there around 9:10 am. Then I had to drop their change of clothes off at Meme’s. The woman there put the stuff on a hook so I wrote an email to the owner letter her know and asking her if we could put that stuff somewhere it could be more known where it was for more permanent storage. Then I’m back at work writing this!


I hope the kids do ok today. I’m worried that Harvey may have a difficult time in the afternoon getting to Meme’s and spending time there when he’s tired. But I guess he’ll be fine.

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