October 8th, 2019 – Tiger Hill Pagoda

It’s 9:24 pm. The kids just had their bath and are watching super wings.

Today we went to Tiger Hill, which is a special historical spot in Suzhou. You can read more about it here:

The last time I went to Tiger Hill was in 2013, the first time I came to Suzhou with Keira. The kids were happy to walk around the rocks on the hill. We ate some snack in a pagoda on near the Tomb of the first King of the Wu state and Suzhou. Then we checked out the pagoda, which is over 1000 years old and is leaning like the leaning tower of Pisa. Harvey needed to be carried by me. Then we went back through the amazing bonzai garden. Harvey and Alexandra liked to walk on the stone fence around the Bonzai. Then we stopped in this Chinese version of a food court and ate some crappy Chinese foods. We brought the kids home for a nap, then I went to work out. For dinner we had some more crabs, fish, several vegetables, and some Ji Tou mi. Alexandra slept until 7:30. I ended up spoon feeding her two bowls of rice and soup over 40 min. I got Harvey up around 8:10 pm and he also had some soup and rice and an orange.

Almost ready to put them to bed and head to the airport at 7:30 am!

October 7th, 2019 – In China

It’s 2:20 pm. The kids are down for a nap and I’m going to write this blog before going to the gym. This time in China I’m going to the gym everyday and its helping a lot with my appetite and mood.

It was obviously a long flight to get here but the kids were pretty good and just slept most of the time.  Keira’s leg hurt from Alexandra lying on it most of the flight.

The first day here I walked around the moat by myself around 6 in the morning and ate a Dan Bing, which is like a fried egg and dough thing. I walked by piles of this type of seed people harvest this time of year and peal to make some money, like 100 kuai per pound. Its called gorgon fruit in English, but the Chinese name is “Ji Tou mi” which literally translates as chicken’s head seed. You boil them and eat them in a lightly sweetened water, they are chewy.  

The first morning we went to this garden in Suzhou with a pagoda, then we went home to eat some noodles at lunch.  The kids slept a long time in the afternoon and didn’t get up till like 7 pm. We had some fresh water crabs for dinner because they are in season. The crabs have hairy claws.

The next day we went to a different garden and biked around a bit in this four-wheel bike thing. The garden was huge. We met up with Keira’s dad’s family and ate some sunflower seeds by a pond. Keria’s grandfather is pretty senile and was talking about his age and how healthy he is, he kept repeating himself. We had a huge lunch in a circular private room. Seems Keira’s grandparents liked to see their great grandchildren.

The next day we went out of the city to this protected village area near some mountains with tea bushes. The lunch there felt more healthy, more vegetables, and the environment was nice. We ate with Keira’s mom’s family. Her grandma enjoyed seeing Alexandra and Harvey. We were in a private dining room and the kids were jumping on the furniture. It was fun to watch them. That evening Keira and I went out to Jia ping lu, a tourist street in Suzhou, and sat at a bar for a little bit. The bar was ok and the tourist street was very crowded. We had some trouble getting a taxi to come back because everyone just books taxi on their phone these days, and we don’t have a smart phone. But fortunately, there are still some analog taxis in china and we could eventually hail one.

Today we went to this lake in Suzhou and met with keira’s friends from middle school. Her friends brought their kids as well. Keira’s friends gave our kids a puzzle set which Harvey and Alexandra enjoyed putting together on the sidewalk by the lake. We had an excellent lunch nearby, including some Peking duck, and just got home an hour ago.

I can’t upload videos right now because I can’t access Youtube. So you can just look at these pictures for now and I’ll upload the videos later.

September 28, 2019 -School Photos

Today we went to the Duke Garden Plant Sale. They had several Dawn Redwoods that I liked, $50 each. We decided to try to grow from the seeds I gathered instead.  We didn’t’ buy any plants because we’re still waiting for our house to be built and don’t have anywhere to put them. Fortunately they will start grading for the house next week, finally. We have to keep on them to make sure they are doing things the way we want, like not cutting down all the trees and saving the big oak trunk so we can turn it into a table.

They had a musician, Steve Munoz, at the garden and the kids really liked listening to him play. Especially Alexandra.

Last weekend we also went to the garden on sunday. We had a picknick with Ben Yellen, Jinchi and Jacob. Jacob is a few months younger than Harvey but he couldn’t sit still, he was running around everywhere until they turned on the water in the sink and let him play with it. On saturday we went to the Hillsborough hog day, meeting up with Emily and Sean, and their kids Cora and Liam. The kids enjoyed going on the bounce houses and eating ice cream. I enjoyed eating 3 bbq sandwiches.

The weekend before that we went to Duke gardens as well. They had some library activity and some bubbles.

Just downloaded some school pictures for Harvey and Alexandra. They like school and they like to go to Meme’s after school. Alexandra is speaking a lot more which is wonderful. The only bad thing is Harvey gets really cranky because he can’t sleep in the afternoon Mon-Wed. Hopefully he’ll get over it.