August 1st, 2019 – Bonding

The last month of summer.  The last couple day’s I’ve been working on my class, mostly on a lecture for Bonding.  I woke up around 4 am in the morning today and just decided to work on it for an hour or so before going back to bed.  Its’ pretty much in the can, I’m pretty happy with it.


Wed night we had fatty pork with rice and tofu.  Last night we had salmon with chicken soup, bok choy, and mixed veggies. Yum!  Every lunch I each beans I cooked on Sunday along with a salad, but I ran out of salad today.


We night we took the kids to the pool, it was fun.  Yesterday, the kids got a farm toy set from Audrey and Tom and were really into.  Last night we went to play in the park and Alexandra and Harvey wanted to kick my butt from the swing.

July 30th, 2019 – Harvey’s 2nd Birthday.

Yesterday I mainly worked on my class in the morning trying to put together a lecture on bonding in metals. I met with Feichen and Jiacheng after lunch.  I got frustrated because Jiacheng hadn’t addressed a communication issue with Will last week about what type of compression test needed to be performed. I expressed my frustration, even though I wasn’t sure I should. But I think it was an important issue that should have been addressed and it really wasn’t clear why it was not addressed, given then they cared about the project. But that frustration kind of stuck with me for the rest of the day for some reason, whereas I had been in a good mood up to that point.


I did my push workout and headed home a bit early by skipping my shower.  Keira had cooked fish, soup, rice, lettuce, and long life noodles. After dinner we gave Harvey his chocolate birthday muffin and sang happy birthday.  Alexandra thought it was her birthday too, but we explained it was Harvey’s birthday.  Then we opened the books from Mom and Dad and the remote control car. Harvey likes both a lot, but probably is more obsessed with the car. We also gave Harvey a big plastic construction site, which I ended up putting together until 10 pm.  It was a fun birthday for us all.

July 29th, 2019 – The Last Blueberry

It’s 9:25 am. Harvey’s 2nd birthday! I remember the day he was born. He was such a good baby and has grown to be a delightful little boy.


 I dropped the kids off at Notasium this morning and asked if they did anything for kids with their birthday. They said they give a free snack, which I wasn’t excited about. Denied!


Saturday night we enjoyed eating a bunch of food at Richard Palmer’s pig roast.  We sat on a blanket in a corner on a blanket eating big and a bunch of the pot luck dishes. It seems there was a lot of dishes there, including a pasta salad and fruit salad, so we probably didn’t need to bring two. But at least we didn’t’ feel guilty for not contributing.  I always feel a bit awkward at such gatherings, probably I should introduce myself more when people say hello.  Like I think Richard’s wife said hello and I said HI, but I probably should have gone over to introduce myself. Awkward. Oh well. After eating we wandered around his property.  He had a croquet set out, which I probably haven’t seen since I lived at 3 Madaket dr. in Penfield NY. We could kind of see the Eno river which ran through his property, but there was a lot of bushes. His house was right along a pond, pretty much in the pond. His foundation must have been getting damaged from all the water leaking into it. Ross Widenhofer was already using his paddle boat for fishing, so we didn’t go on that. And Keira didn’t want to use the canoe. Maybe next year we will go on the boats.


Sunday morning we went to the Outlet and the kids had a good time on the rides.  Seems they enjoyed them even more than last time.  I bought a few shirts and some swim trunks.


Yesterday for dinner we ate lamb, a cucumber and fungus dish, rice, and some other dish I don’t remember. After dinner we went blueberry picking, probably for the last time this season. It was getting pretty sparse, but we still got 5 pounds in an hour. I think next weekend they will probably be gone, and it will be August already!