August 6th, 2019 – Hot Water

It’s 9:10 am. Yesterday I worked on getting an ARO white paper out the door, as well as organizing some thoughts for the meeting with Dennis Gilmore today about alumni matters. It seems Duke chemistry does not have any sort of Alumni Network, so making one should be a priority.   Yesterday in the afternoon […]

August 5th, 2019 – Bar

It’s 9:54 am.  I dropped the kids off at Notasium this morning.  It was kind of stressful getting them out of the house because they wanted to play with their toys, and I didn’t want them to make a mess before Ana, our cleaning lady, came. It made me think about what it will be […]

August 3rd, 2019 – Picnic

It’s 2pm, just put the kids to nap. Missed a couple days so have to catch up on the blog. Thursday I worked on a white paper briefly for the army research organization in the morning, then did a bunch of other random work things.  Met with Kathy Franz in the afternoon to talk about […]