July 27th, 2019 – Downtown

It’s 4:14 pm. Yesterday I mostly worked on getting the first activity ready for my class, and in the afternoon I did my “pull” workout.  I watched “Comedians in Cars Drinking Coffee” on the exercise bike, and a woman came over and complained that it was too loud, she was trying to work on a […]

July 26th, 2019 – Balls and Springs

It’s 9:07 am.  Yesterday I forgot to write a blog. I just came in, started working, and forgot about it. Generally, once I get momentum on a task it’s hard to stop.  Yesterday it was working on how to attach the gel to the polymer base in our implant.  I have some ideas using covalent […]

July 24th, 2019 – Rainy Day Cookies

It’s 8:58 am. I got to work and immediately found the library book that I was looking for yesterday because it was recalled.  Yea!  Good start to the day.   Yesterday rained most of the day, and for some reason I was not in a good mood. I mostly worked on materials for my class […]