July 234d, 2019 – Blah

It’s 10:37 am.  I don’t feel I have too much to say today. Yesterday I spoke with a regulatory consultant about getting the paperwork in place for the cartilage FDA approval.  I worked out in the afternoon, doing my push routine.  That felt good.  Dinner was spinach, some clams with lettuce and roots dish, and […]

July 22nd 2019

It’s 9:30 am.  This morning I dropped the kids and Yingying off at Notasium. They told Yingying that the kids had to wear socks but no shoes. I told them Alexandra needed her lift in her shoe, so they made an exemption for her. They were excited to play at Notasium.   Last Saturday night […]

July 20th, 2019 – Heat Wave

Starting this at 4 pm on Saturday afternoon during the kids nap time.   This morning I got up around 7:30 am and got out to mow the lawn by 8:30.  Keira has been bugging me to mow for awhile.  I didn’t mow last weekend because it was so hot in the afternoon, so its […]