July 22nd 2019

It’s 9:30 am.  This morning I dropped the kids and Yingying off at Notasium. They told Yingying that the kids had to wear socks but no shoes. I told them Alexandra needed her lift in her shoe, so they made an exemption for her. They were excited to play at Notasium.


Last Saturday night we met Ben Yellen, Jinqi, Jinqi’s mom and Jacob at the neighborhood pool.  Jacob had an airplane float that I pushed Harvey and Alexandra around in. They loved that.  Ben is staying in Silicon Valley these days to further develop his company and raise money.  I told Jinqi it looks like you lost weight, and asked if she was exercising.  She said no, people lose weight when they are unhappy.  I wasn’t sure if she was serious or not.


Sunday we hung out at home, went to Walmart, then I chatted with Audrey on facetime.  Audrey seemed pretty tired dealing with all her projects and the chamber of commerce.  Hopefully she can cut out the activities she’s not passionate about.


In the afternoon I tried to install my new Bidet, but there was a leak in one of the connectors I couldn’t fix, so I had to go to the hardware store and buy a new one.  Fortunately, that fixed the problem and I could spray water on my butthole.  It definitely makes you feel cleaner down there. Keira cleaned the chicken coop and took some interesting pictures with her deer. Dude is molting so she only has a couple of feathers left in her tail.


Dinner was hot pot.  For some reason, Harvey didn’t want to eat his meat so he whined a lot. It was pretty annoying.  I took him to bed for 5 minutes and that seemed to reset him so he could eat some broccoli.


After dinner, we went to the blueberry farm.  There was more blueberry there than we expected, maybe because it was so hot this weekend nobody picked in the daytime.  We got 5 pounds in 45 minutes. Alexandra picked 1 pound just by herself. After we put the kids to bed Keira and I ate blueberries with vanilla ice cream. It’s 9:40 am.

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