July 234d, 2019 – Blah

It’s 10:37 am.  I don’t feel I have too much to say today. Yesterday I spoke with a regulatory consultant about getting the paperwork in place for the cartilage FDA approval.  I worked out in the afternoon, doing my push routine.  That felt good.  Dinner was spinach, some clams with lettuce and roots dish, and chicken soup with noodles. Very good!  I enjoyed having dinner with the family.  After dinner we went to the library to get some more books.  I found the Thomas books that Alexandra likes. We went to bed early, like at 9:45 pm, but then I woke up at 6 am.  I could have left for work early but I wanted to at least get the kids to breakfast and say bye to them before I left.  Ended up getting work at 8 am and working on a bunch of random email-driven tasks rather than on this blog and then my class, as I planned.  Oh well. 🙂 It’s 10:41 am.

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