October 8th, 2019 – Tiger Hill Pagoda

It’s 9:24 pm. The kids just had their bath and are watching super wings.

Today we went to Tiger Hill, which is a special historical spot in Suzhou. You can read more about it here:

The last time I went to Tiger Hill was in 2013, the first time I came to Suzhou with Keira. The kids were happy to walk around the rocks on the hill. We ate some snack in a pagoda on near the Tomb of the first King of the Wu state and Suzhou. Then we checked out the pagoda, which is over 1000 years old and is leaning like the leaning tower of Pisa. Harvey needed to be carried by me. Then we went back through the amazing bonzai garden. Harvey and Alexandra liked to walk on the stone fence around the Bonzai. Then we stopped in this Chinese version of a food court and ate some crappy Chinese foods. We brought the kids home for a nap, then I went to work out. For dinner we had some more crabs, fish, several vegetables, and some Ji Tou mi. Alexandra slept until 7:30. I ended up spoon feeding her two bowls of rice and soup over 40 min. I got Harvey up around 8:10 pm and he also had some soup and rice and an orange.

Almost ready to put them to bed and head to the airport at 7:30 am!

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