September 28, 2019 -School Photos

Today we went to the Duke Garden Plant Sale. They had several Dawn Redwoods that I liked, $50 each. We decided to try to grow from the seeds I gathered instead.  We didn’t’ buy any plants because we’re still waiting for our house to be built and don’t have anywhere to put them. Fortunately they will start grading for the house next week, finally. We have to keep on them to make sure they are doing things the way we want, like not cutting down all the trees and saving the big oak trunk so we can turn it into a table.

They had a musician, Steve Munoz, at the garden and the kids really liked listening to him play. Especially Alexandra.

Last weekend we also went to the garden on sunday. We had a picknick with Ben Yellen, Jinchi and Jacob. Jacob is a few months younger than Harvey but he couldn’t sit still, he was running around everywhere until they turned on the water in the sink and let him play with it. On saturday we went to the Hillsborough hog day, meeting up with Emily and Sean, and their kids Cora and Liam. The kids enjoyed going on the bounce houses and eating ice cream. I enjoyed eating 3 bbq sandwiches.

The weekend before that we went to Duke gardens as well. They had some library activity and some bubbles.

Just downloaded some school pictures for Harvey and Alexandra. They like school and they like to go to Meme’s after school. Alexandra is speaking a lot more which is wonderful. The only bad thing is Harvey gets really cranky because he can’t sleep in the afternoon Mon-Wed. Hopefully he’ll get over it.

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