September 9th, 2019 – The Zoo

It’s 9:04 pm, just put the kids to bed. It has been a week since my last post and I’ve been meaning to do a post to capture the last week and especially the weekend. I don’t remember too much of what we did last weekend. The pictures indicated we took the kids to the playground on Saturday and took them to the children’s museum on Sunday. Nothing too exciting.  Harvey was tired from the week and fell asleep in the stroller at the playground apparently.


During the week we took the kids to the playground on Monday, went for ice cream at Maple View on Tuesday, went to the grand opening of the new Harries Teeter on Wednesday, went to the library on Thursday (it was raining because of the hurricane) and went to the playground again on Friday. The kids got pretty tired and cranky from not sleeping in the afternoon Mon-Wed since they are at Meme’s. That can be hard to deal with sometimes, especially when Harvey screams. Fortunately, the school didn’t close during hurricane Dorian. The Durham county schools closed on Thursday and Friday even though nothing happened, just a little rain.


Saturday, we went to Duke garden. I took a bunch of pictures on plants since we’re looking for what plants we want to use around the new house.


Sunday we went to the zoo. We met Keira’s friend Yan and her daughter Elaine there. Elaine is 4 months older than Alexandra. The highlight was we got to feed the Giraffe some leaves. The Giraffe had a very long tongue that was rough. It reminded me of a cat tongue in the texture. But it was much thicker and it could grab and pull the leaves. Alexandra had a really good time on the Carousel, but even after she went three times she still begged to go more. I took her one more time. I spent $21 on carousel rides. We also ate some ice cream and a pretzel. I talked with Dad on the way to the zoo and mom on the way back.  I was pretty tired when we got home. I slept for 30 min on the bed. Alexandra wanted to sleep next to me. That was nice to take a short nap together.

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